CEX Tracking
Get networks statuses
This section provides the status of various networks, allowing users to monitor network availability and performance.
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Get pumps/dumps in 10 seconds
This section identifies rapid price changes (pumps or dumps) within a 10-second interval, helping users to quickly react to market movements.
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Get pumps/dumps in X minutes in bybit
This section tracks price changes over a customizable time frame, allowing users to analyze market trends over longer periods.
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Get buys/sells in 10 seconds
This section provides data on buy and sell activities within a 10-second window, enabling users to observe short-term trading behaviors.
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Get buys/sells in X minutes
This section offers insights into buy and sell activities over a specified time frame, helping users to understand longer-term trading patterns.
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Get Coinmarketcap coins
This section provides CoinMarketcap data on various cryptocurrencies, including their market capitalization, price, and other relevant information.
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Get CoinGecko coins
This section provides CoinGecko data on various cryptocurrencies, including their market capitalization, price, and other relevant information.
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Get funding rates [WIP]
This section provides information on funding rates, which are crucial for understanding the cost of holding positions in futures markets.
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Get top interests [WIP]
This section highlights the most popular or trending topics in the market, offering users insights into current market interests.
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Get liquidations [WIP]
This section tracks liquidation events, providing users with data on forced closures of positions due to insufficient margin.
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Last updated