Gecko API - Cryptoscan
A TypeScript-based tool for loading and monitoring cryptocurrency pool data from GeckoTerminal API with WebSocket support.
What you get:
Free setup into your hosting
Free help to integrate app to your server
Full access to the codebase and code updates
Free updates for app, you can request for free updates via access to issues
Full access to Project Time tracking by developers
Fetch and monitor cryptocurrency pools across multiple networks
Real-time WebSocket updates for pool data
Liquidity-based prioritization system
Rate limiting and request throttling
CEX token price monitoring
Persistent data storage using FileMap
Create a .env
file with the following variables:
Starting the Service
Main Components
Pool Loading
: Loads pool data based on liquidity groupssearchPools()
: Search for specific pools by symbolfetchPools()
: Fetches pool data from GeckoTerminal API
CEX Integration
: Retrieves coins listed on centralized exchangesfetchCexTokens()
: Fetches token data from CEX API
Liquidity Groups
Pools are categorized into four liquidity groups:
ULTRA_LOW: < $100
LOW: $100 - $100,000
MEDIUM: $100,000 - $1,000,000
HIGH: > $1,000,000
Each group has different update intervals and priorities for data fetching.
WebSocket Support
The service includes a WebSocket server for real-time data broadcasting. Clients can connect to receive updates based on configurable thresholds.
API Reference
Pool Interface
Rate Limiting
The service implements rate limiting with:
30 requests per minute (RPM)
Configurable concurrency via environment variables
Automatic retry mechanism for failed requests
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
ISC License
Last updated