Changelog - Cryptoscan
add GitHub Actions workflow to sync to target repository (f21aa63)
Add missing command handler for /send (3ec2ae0)
Add missing type and variable declarations in src/index.ts (104e8e9)
Add suffix support to message handling (11d2856)
Add validation for destination before saving configuration (012fe36)
Check isActive status before starting websocket connections in bot.launch() (337c700)
Correct SEARCH/REPLACE block to match existing lines in index.ts (dca9380)
Ensure proper session handling in percentage change flow (fc95e94)
fix encoding issue in import statement (3d8e61e)
Fix SEARCH/REPLACE block for 'channel_id' case in src/index.ts (c7900c7)
getData.ts: correct type annotation for result variable to ApiResponse<T[]> for accurate type handling (76803ae)
handle AI processing failure gracefully (d1dcb80)
handle channel ID formats in text handler (155dc18)
Handle different channel ID formats and improve error handling (41ec5c2)
handle missing destination in config (fb22fde)
handle missing message id in websocket response (f507922)
Handle undefined CLIENTS.get(userId) in listWebsockets (3adaabf)
Implement menu-driven interface and websocket configuration management (ac27783)
Improve configuration flow and input handling (966a1c9)
Improve error handling and comment removal in OpenAI service formatting (0c2661c)
initialize query variable in type selection handler (5367883)
Makefile: correct syntax in update target by removing the comma to ensure proper execution of commands (012a8d0)
Refactor text message handling using Telegraf's recommended approach (5e414b8)
function (d66afa1)Remove duplicate createMessageHandler function and add error handling for WebSocket messages (2c85f8e)
remove existing handlers before setting up new ones in askContinueOrSave (94e425e)
remove misplaced code and fix syntax issues in askContinueOrSave function (64a5bbc)
Remove unnecessary comment in openaiService.ts and add typedoc (57e8951)
Replace English text with Russian and remove comments (de15ebf)
replace incorrect
to remove event listeners (ea40202)Restructure askContinueOrSave function to fix syntax error (aa2f3dd)
translate messages and buttons to Russian in src/index.ts (b5402aa)
translate russian to english and remove code comments (cee72e9)
update "Select data type to modify:" to "Выберите тип данных:" (76d9289)
.gitignore: add clients.json to ignore list to prevent sensitive data exposure (4d58ebb)
add AI processing option during configuration creation (41710bd)
Add back button and prepare for configuration naming in askContinueOrSave.ts (905ac98)
Add build dependency to dev target in Makefile (2b16e68)
add channel/private message notification choice (41f4178)
Add development mode commands to Makefile (9d0ba12)
add disable_web_page_preview option to Telegram messages (d37b99a)
Add Docker support with Makefile and .env file integration (8e2c24c)
Add Dockerfile for Node.js application setup (4032c1d)
add error handling and logging to message sending (d0c9b16)
add functionality to select data destination and handle configuration saving (8c07ca6)
add getStringSession script (8069d51)
Add getStringSession utility (2b71efc)
Add logging to createMessageHandler function (0642fa9)
Add message deduplication mechanism with 1-minute window (936b9f8)
add message parsing to Telegram bot (3736811)
Add multi-stage Dockerfile and docker-compose for dev/prod environments (4d7519d)
add new types and utility functions (2a958d1)
Add OpenAI service (9fd988e)
Add percentage change fields to the list of available columns (a692eba)
add query parameter editing functionality (077c2a0)
Add script to get Telegram string session (bf8cb77)
add session middleware to Telegram bot (7b6dff5)
add suffix and timeout handlers (71a845c)
Add template path support for message formatting (3c19709)
Add timeout option to configuration (1138be1)
add type safety and error handling to getData utility (7a79d4a)
Add WebSocketConfig type and related utilities (18cca1f)
delete test (bbb25c1)
devcontainer: add custom DevContainer configuration for development environment (8f8d3a6)
docker: add .dockerignore and .env.example files for better configuration management (74938aa)
getData.ts: add quota check for API responses to handle exceeded limits and provide user guidance (0abfc7f)
Implement interactive data selection and filtering for bot users (3d113b8)
initialize crypto-bot-tg project with basic structure and dependencies (90eb858)
Localize button texts and error messages in src/index.ts (1340712)
package.json: add dotenv package to manage environment variables more effectively (80106cd)
package.json: add telegramify-markdown package to enhance message formatting for Telegram (8bba17f)
release: add GitHub Actions workflow for automated releases (196ddd5)
Remove console.log from Telegram bot (f913cca)
Show field selection menu on 'continue' action (726a2b4)
Translate button labels and messages from Russian to English (ccc086e)
Add Telegram notifications for commits, deployments, and releases (7e6b210)
docker-compose: add resource limits and reservations for the service to optimize resource usage and ensure stability (837bdd2)
Decrement API limit remaining value correctly (22b2ed0)
Implement quota calculation based on price values in response data (8add876)
Add subscription purchase and interval-based request replenishment (f1fccbd)
Add subscription purchase functionality and update API limit management (18d1c7d)
apiLimitMiddleware.ts: import getMidnightTimestamp utility function to enhance code modularity (2748ec6)
Implement subscription plans with duration and request limits (789498c)
listen.ts: enhance WebSocket handling by adding query parameter processing and refactoring message processing logic (9595592)
release: add GitHub Actions workflow for automated releases (08fadb4)
Add support for release notifications via repository_dispatch event (223f997)
release.yml: add step to trigger release notification after successful release to enhance communication and tracking of releases (7d919e5)
workflow: add release notification workflow to send messages to Telegram on new releases (047419e)
add .aider* to .gitignore to prevent tracking of Aider chat history files (e3ee283)
Add console.log for debugging (c2a2830)
Ensure targetWs is reliably accessed on WebSocket close event (9f6b398)
fix error message in JSON response (4aab177)
Fix parsing of JSON data from WebSocket worker (e257021)
getItems.ts: change error throwing to return an empty array when data store is empty to prevent application crashes (5fe889b)
getItems.ts: improve data store check to ensure it has items before loading (e1a8297)
getItems.ts: optimize check for empty dataStore by using size property instead of converting to array (711ae96)
handle includes parameter correctly in getItem (7e9b46e)
Handle incorrect WebSocket data format (3a02649)
handle JSON object in
function (3c3a5a8)Handle JSON parsing errors in worker stdout (b911742)
index.ts: add a check for item existence before sending data to WebSocket to prevent sending undefined values (15d0442)
index.ts: add index variable to track listener iteration for better logging clarity (0ecd9e7)
index.ts: close and remove closed WebSocket connections from listeners to prevent memory leaks and ensure proper resource management (e06f2d0)
index.ts: update console log to use Array.from for listeners.entries() to ensure proper logging of listener count (cfa3e27)
index.ts: wrap item in an object with a data key before sending via WebSocket to ensure consistent message structure (e3940f4)
listenCoinMarketcap.ts: change fetch URL from HTTP to WebSocket protocol to ensure proper communication with the server (71d5d35)
listenCoinMarketcap.ts: update fetch URL to include '/listen' endpoint for correct API access (7833378)
loadCoinGecko.ts: remove rate.type from the message sent to apiWs to align with the expected data structure (b0bfd37)
loadCoinGecko.ts: update allEach function to start from index 1 to skip the first contract (2ee212e)
loadCoinGecko.ts: update rate data structure to include base and quote properties for accurate data transmission (925c4dc)
refactor getItem function (0e9b084)
Remove unused getItem function (4a4d04b)
Remove WebSocket from broadcastClients on close and error events (7686320)
test.ts: uncomment and enable price and arbitrage listeners to ensure they function during tests (6170124)
function to handle unusual message format (07ac30d)update getItem to handle includes parameter like getItems (8f3ffd0)
use TextDecoder with stream option to accumulate data in chunks (979ea8a)
add getItem function (a865121)
add price change field to getItem (6d86bf5)
Add promiseWithTimeout utility for handling timeouts in promises (76db3b3)
add restart command to Makefile (46b2e23)
add WebSocket-based data processing and real-time updates (e7a306d)
constants.ts: add dataTypeItems and setDataStore function to manage data types and store data more effectively (7911992)
createListener.ts: store WebSocket targets in a dedicated map to ensure availability (b721637)
index.ts: add pMemoize to optimize getItems function calls and improve performance by caching results (ca32382)
index.ts: import broadcast function to enhance WebSocket communication (ec77bf7)
index.ts: improve JSON parsing logic to handle multiple JSON objects in a buffer (0f3efdd)
loader: add a new loader script to initialize WebSocket routes and templates for dynamic loading (79d2c4b)
Store WebSocket targets separately in a dedicated map (a3f355f)
Add Telegram notifications for commits, deployments, and releases (7e6b210)
docker-compose: add resource limits and reservations for the service to optimize resource usage and ensure stability (837bdd2)
Decrement API limit remaining value correctly (22b2ed0)
Implement quota calculation based on price values in response data (8add876)
Add subscription purchase and interval-based request replenishment (f1fccbd)
Add subscription purchase functionality and update API limit management (18d1c7d)
apiLimitMiddleware.ts: import getMidnightTimestamp utility function to enhance code modularity (2748ec6)
Implement subscription plans with duration and request limits (789498c)
listen.ts: enhance WebSocket handling by adding query parameter processing and refactoring message processing logic (9595592)
release: add GitHub Actions workflow for automated releases (08fadb4)
Add support for release notifications via repository_dispatch event (223f997)
release.yml: add step to trigger release notification after successful release to enhance communication and tracking of releases (7d919e5)
workflow: add release notification workflow to send messages to Telegram on new releases (047419e)
add .aider* to .gitignore to prevent tracking of Aider chat history files (e3ee283)
Add console.log for debugging (c2a2830)
Ensure targetWs is reliably accessed on WebSocket close event (9f6b398)
fix error message in JSON response (4aab177)
Fix parsing of JSON data from WebSocket worker (e257021)
getItems.ts: change error throwing to return an empty array when data store is empty to prevent application crashes (5fe889b)
getItems.ts: improve data store check to ensure it has items before loading (e1a8297)
getItems.ts: optimize check for empty dataStore by using size property instead of converting to array (711ae96)
handle includes parameter correctly in getItem (7e9b46e)
Handle incorrect WebSocket data format (3a02649)
handle JSON object in
function (3c3a5a8)Handle JSON parsing errors in worker stdout (b911742)
index.ts: add a check for item existence before sending data to WebSocket to prevent sending undefined values (15d0442)
index.ts: add index variable to track listener iteration for better logging clarity (0ecd9e7)
index.ts: close and remove closed WebSocket connections from listeners to prevent memory leaks and ensure proper resource management (e06f2d0)
index.ts: update console log to use Array.from for listeners.entries() to ensure proper logging of listener count (cfa3e27)
index.ts: wrap item in an object with a data key before sending via WebSocket to ensure consistent message structure (e3940f4)
listenCoinMarketcap.ts: change fetch URL from HTTP to WebSocket protocol to ensure proper communication with the server (71d5d35)
listenCoinMarketcap.ts: update fetch URL to include '/listen' endpoint for correct API access (7833378)
loadCoinGecko.ts: remove rate.type from the message sent to apiWs to align with the expected data structure (b0bfd37)
loadCoinGecko.ts: update allEach function to start from index 1 to skip the first contract (2ee212e)
loadCoinGecko.ts: update rate data structure to include base and quote properties for accurate data transmission (925c4dc)
refactor getItem function (0e9b084)
Remove unused getItem function (4a4d04b)
Remove WebSocket from broadcastClients on close and error events (7686320)
test.ts: uncomment and enable price and arbitrage listeners to ensure they function during tests (6170124)
function to handle unusual message format (07ac30d)update getItem to handle includes parameter like getItems (8f3ffd0)
use TextDecoder with stream option to accumulate data in chunks (979ea8a)
add getItem function (a865121)
add price change field to getItem (6d86bf5)
Add promiseWithTimeout utility for handling timeouts in promises (76db3b3)
add restart command to Makefile (46b2e23)
add WebSocket-based data processing and real-time updates (e7a306d)
constants.ts: add dataTypeItems and setDataStore function to manage data types and store data more effectively (7911992)
createListener.ts: store WebSocket targets in a dedicated map to ensure availability (b721637)
index.ts: add pMemoize to optimize getItems function calls and improve performance by caching results (ca32382)
index.ts: import broadcast function to enhance WebSocket communication (ec77bf7)
index.ts: improve JSON parsing logic to handle multiple JSON objects in a buffer (0f3efdd)
loader: add a new loader script to initialize WebSocket routes and templates for dynamic loading (79d2c4b)
Store WebSocket targets separately in a dedicated map (a3f355f)
Last updated